Компания COLLAR составила портрет типичного владельца домашнего питомца
Main points
After analysis of a year’s worth of customer data of their top two brands, this buyer profile was established.
Fitness accessory
Buyers of the PULLER brand are well represented in all age brackets:
- 25-34 years old (26%) and 35-44 years old (21%) are the most active PULLER users.
- The COLLAR team only sees a clear drop to a 2% share in the 60+ group.
PULLER lovers are mostly found in Russia, Ukraine, the USA, the Czech Republic, Belarus, and Poland.
Collars and leashes
Bright WAUDOG designs are most popular with the younger generations:
- Under 18 years old (26% of buyers)
- 18-24 years old (26% of buyers)
- 25-34 years old (24% of buyers)
- The older generations seem less interested in stylish pet accessories
Geographically speaking:
- Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are the most interested in WAUDOG accessories.
- Azerbaijan, the USA, and Georgia follow at a distance.
When highlighting the most important aspects of the product, WAUDOG fans put the design in the first place (36 %). Quality and usability follow it closely (28% and 22%, respectively).
Overall, women were most represented as buyers for the two brands. (86% for WAUDOG owners and 80% for PULLER owners)
So women might generally be the ones driving purchases for their furry friends?
For both brands, price is the least important of the TOP-5 product qualities.