About the event
OrganizerGlobal Pet Expo
Event typeoffline
Dates26.02.2020 – 28.02.2020
RepresentativeCOLLAR Company
Both number136
Entrance for visitorsFree, need a registration
On 26-28 of February 2020 the biggest annual pet products exhibition – Global Pet Expo – took place. It is ranked one of the top 100 trade shows in the nation by Trade Show Executive Magazine.
More than a thousand companies from all over the world have shown their products in several buildings with total area of 16 football fields. Tens of thousands of visitors have visited the expo – both the pet business representatives and just people searching for something interesting for their pets.
To make visitors comfortable amongst thousands of stands and countless products the organizers have separated a new product showcase zone, where the guests could have a look at the most vivid products of each company, touch them and try them.

Global Pet Expo has also launched a smartphone app that helped to find the interesting goods. Making an event of such a scale is an incredibly complicated job and the organizers of GPE did it flawlessly!
The COLLAR Company booth has earned its place amongst the most interesting ones on all the expo. The COLLAR team was glad to greet more than two hundreds of old friends and welcome new partners.
COLLAR Company showed its BestSellers such as:
- AiryVest — the lightest reversible dog vest in the world,
- PULLER — dog fitness tool that provides a full emotional and physical load,
- Liker — a toy your dog would like, even love!
- Flyber — the first reversible dog flying disc in the world,
- EVOLUTOR — the most durable collar and leash with Global Lifetime Warranty,
- WAUDOG — dog accessories, each series is unique.
The visitors were amazed to see all the products by COLLAR Company, but there were goods that appeared to be the most interesting to our guests: EVOLUTOR – the most durable collars and leashes. WAUDOG Nylon and WAUDOG Waterproof collars with COBRA buckle and WAUDOG Design accessories.
“We expected to see a heated competition in the USA, lots of new releases and innovative products. But actually our booth has happened to be one of the most interesting at all the expo,” –
stated Alex Lesik, Head of US Sales Department.
The COLLAR team was extremely happy to participate in one of the main world pet products shows and is already waiting for a new one!
See you at Global Pet Expo 2021!