About the event
Event typeoffline
Dates06.05.2019 – 09.05.2019
RepresentativeCOLLAR Company
Both numberE31-39
The most awaited pet industry event of 2019 finally happened! On the 6-9 of May Zoomark, the International Exhibition of Products and Accessories for Pets, opened its doors for 27 thousands of visitors.
Zoomark celebrated its 18th anniversary in Bologna, Italy, together with 757 visitors from 45 countries all over the world. The biggest pet industry manufacturers found the partners, demonstrated their new releases, studied the latest tendencies and set new trends.
The COLLAR Company couldn’t miss the chance to participate in Zoomark with the world leaders of pet industry. The innovative goods fascinated the visitors, as always. To demonstrate them all the team assembled the 19 m long stand – the longest in COLLAR Company history!

Guests from 36 countries visited this stand. The COLLAR Company team was glad to make new acquaintances and amaze the old friends with even higher quality and better choice of the products. The reliable Waterproof and bright Nylon series of dog collars and leashes by TM WAUDOG were the most popular releases. The classical BestSellers were EVOLUTOR – the most durable collars and leashes and PULLER – the dog fitness tool which provides a full physical and emotional load for dogs.
The COLLAR Company team returned home excited and full of impressions.