LED lamps for aquariums of trademark Dennerle, Germany, that are produced by the COLLAR Company, successfully passed ECM certification and meet European standards for energy efficiency. The received certificate approves the quality of the seven aquarium LED lamps according to European Union directives. Those directives regulate technological processes on how to estimate electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage of electrical appliances.
Audit and assessment were carried out by the Italian organisation Ente Certificazione Maccine which is officially accredited for the certification of quality management systems according to standard ISO 17021-1. However, it is important to mention that the COLLAR Company received ECM Certificate in June 2022, and it is valid till June 2027. Having it enables the Company to mark Dennerle ™ LED lamps with a sign CE. The CE mark indicates that manufactured products comply with the relevant EU standards and legislations. Moreover, it enables their free movement within the European markets. CE marking is compulsory for 28 countries which are members of the European Economic Area.
As development engineer Yuriy Khrushch from the R&D department explains, the passed certification signifies that the COLLAR Company produces European level supplies. Yuriy was responsible for the development of Dennerle LED lamps and collected the required documents to apply for ECM certification. Now, their quality is approved officially according to European Union directives on energy efficiency. You can find the ECM certificate in the photo below.
We have to mention that the COLLAR Company is always driven by a commitment to continuous innovation and the development of quality pet supplies. Despite the war, we continue to work and develop innovative pet products that conquer markets in 78 countries all over the world.

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